Monday, November 27, 2017

Dún Lúiche

I came across photos of Dunlewey on a fantastic Irish Folklore Twitter account and thought it looked so beautiful I would have to go. Sitting on the shore of Dunlewey Lough, in the Poisoned Glen in the shadow of Mount Errigal, it is one of those sites one would daydream about seeing on a journey to Donegal. A ruined church sits at the foot of the mountain and sheep graze in the adjoining field, the lough lies below and the only sound that can be heard is the wind which probably blows cold even in an Irish Summer.

The Church of the Sacred Heart sits across the valley and masses are still said there today. The ruined Church was Protestant; Sacred Heart, Catholic, and there are graves of married couples separated by Religion which face each other from either Church. I'm of a divided mind whether this is incredibly sad or incredibly romantic.

We stopped at Back Strand Beach in Falcarragh on the drive home and again, the views provide justification that Ireland be considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world.