Thursday, January 18, 2018

Art: Scio Me Nihil Scire

Jacques-Louis David, La Mort de Socrate (Death of Socrates) 1787

The cup of poison Hemlock

Plato depicted as an old man

Now located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, Jacques-Louis David’s masterpiece depicts the death of Socrates as recounted in Plato’s Phaedo as his mentor had been charged with corruption of the youth and sentenced to die by poison Hemlock. David signed the work in two places: once under Crito, the distraught young philosopher apprentice clutching his master’s thigh (signifying his identification with the subject) and once near Plato as a gesture of gratitude for the Phaedo which had inspired his painting. Commissioned in 1786, the painting served to symbolize defiance of corrupt authority, a foremost virtue in the dawn of the French Revolution.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Great American Cities: NYC and the MoMA

New York Public Library

New York is undoubtedly one of America's Greatest Cities and considering one of my best friends lives in Manhattan, I should really visit her more often. These are photos from a trip in 2013, before I had a decent camera. Now I have additional incentive to go back in Spring and take photos of the vibrant city.

Empire State Building

Guggenheim Museum

Brooklyn Bridge

Post Office

Times Square

Having a Holly Golightly Moment and Breakfast at Tiffanys. Excuse the flower headband. This was 2013.

9.11 Memorial

Ground Zero

30 Rockefeller Plaza

Yankee Stadium: Spain 2 - 0 Ireland 

Yankee Stadium

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

Although I love a lot of Post-Impressionist art, most other modern movements do not appeal to me. But I wanted to see Van Gogh's Starry Night and some of the iconic Warhols and Pollocks, so I spent an afternoon at the MoMA.

Charline Von Heyl - Untitled

El Anatsui - Bleeding Takari II

Artist and Title Unknown but the piece reminded me of Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures Album Cover

Jackson Pollock - Stenographic Figure

Jackson Pollock - Shimmering Substance

Jackson Pollock - Echo: Number 25

Willem de Kooning - Woman I

Andy Warhol - Gold Marilyn Monroe

Andy Warhol - Before and After

Andy Warhol - Campbell's Soup Cans

Henri Matisse - The Piano Lesson

Van Gogh - Starry Night

James Ensor - Masks Confronting Death

Frida Kahlo - Fulong-Chang and I